Friday, May 3, 2013

Fitness Friday

So, the only way I know to keep me on track with my fitness goals is to write it down and be accountable. Basically, I suck at keeping a schedule. I'm like that in, working out, riding, sorority obligations, etc. etc. etc. So here's my goal: I want to look good by my family vacation this July. I'm tired of being the fat one of the family. It's like, embarassing. and gross. I want to be skinny again! And wear a bathing suit! Maybe even get checked out! (oops, sorry boyfriend)

Disclaimer: I'm not actually FAT. But I'm definitely not the 100 pounds I was in high school when I ran 6 days a week and rode a lot more often than I do now. I'd like to be 110 max. 105 would be awesome. See, the thing is, I'm only 5 feet tall. Like, literally 5 feet and 0 inches. Sometimes I can claim an extra half inch or so, but basically I'm just plain short. And you can see weight on that, even 2 pounds!

I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred a few days ago, and, after a few cheat days (thanks for nothing, finals), I think I'm getting on real track. Level 1 is already sort of too easy, so I'm thinking of paying the $0.99 for Level 2. Not sure yet though. I mean, it's a dollar (obvious college student here). Also, I need to buy hand weights. I've been using soda bottles filled with water. Ghetto, right?

The only thing is, I'm used to running for miles and miles. The 20 minutes, while I sure feel it in my muscles, doesn't make me tired AT ALL! I feel ready for another workout almost immediately. So what to add? Cardio? More weights? A second daily ride? Whatever I do, I hope I'll be ready for my friend's wedding this month. Pressure, y'all. I haven't seen these people since high school.

Ugh, this is what being a grown up feels like?

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